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Monday, October 11, 2010

minimum wage in Micronesia?: micronesia wage

minimum wage in Micronesia?: micronesia wage: "After ten years and three increases Guam minimum wage is currently $7.25, what is on you island? Of your income, how much do you have to ..."

micronesia wage

After ten years and three increases Guam minimum wage is currently $7.25, what is on you island? Of your income, how much do you have to contribute to household? (power, water etc..) CNMI is presently $5.05. An increase of .50 cents was suppose to kick in in Sept. 2010, but Obama OK delayed due to CNMI's present economic crisis. But beginning 2011, it will be $5.55 then adding another .50 cents annually until it reaches US Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25.

In Pohnpei, the capital of FSM, and looking at this issue from the poor dropout fella who got picked up to do general labor in a contract with the government and whose supervisor is from outside, he's likely to take home between $65 to $85 dollars and was told that income tax absorb the rest of his pennies. At the national government, the representatives are making between $34K - $35K annually and plus their state delegation allowances, committee allowances, regular and special meeting allowances and other allowances, they are sitting on over $90K-$110K annually and these allowances are non-tax deductible.

Now, do they care that many folks are below the minimum wage? Not really to tell the truth! Pohnpei has $1.35 p/hr minimum and last I heard they're working on increasing that to $2.75 p/hr, while Kosrae was working on a $3.00 p/hr. Yas is still with the $0.85p/hr. Chuuk was still working on its minimum salary scale, but I heard some employees still making the rate similar to Yap.

Almost all countries in the world have adjusted their salaries since 9/11 and the financial melt down. We've had our financial freeze point since 1997 and while most of the glaciers in the world are thawing up, our freeze still stay intact.